Thursday, May 29, 2014

Dear Parents,

Wow, the school year sped by so quickly! I enjoyed every day with your precious children.

I know children can be taxing at times for you as parents, but in school, I rarely had to stop for any disruption in class.

Thank you for sending me such beautiful children who were ready to learn each and every day!

I reminded the children to continue practicing their math facts (which are found in their plastic
folders) and to read, read and read some more.

I recently presented an all-school religion lesson on Our Lady of Good Help. The children came up to me afterwards and said they appreciated hearing the story of how Mary appeared to Adele Brise in Wisconsin in the year 1856.  Mary's message to Adele still rings clear for us today.

I am attaching some cute pictures. Enjoy!

May God blesss you with a wonderful summer.

Mrs. Barth

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Dear Parents,

Thank you for the lovely, hummingbird, bird feeder. My husband and I love to watch birds, so this will be perfect to put in our yard near our front window. I can't wait to see our first hummingbirds.

The children and I had a fun time at the MN Science Museum. A picture says a thousand words.
I think you will enjoy these snapshots.

We have our future scientists in front of us!

The children loved working in the lab on DNA projects.

Mrs. Barth